Anne was brought up in a loving Christian home with her Mother , Father and younger Brother . Brought up with Sunday School teachings and attending churches on a weekly basis with her parents Anne didnt realise that this movement ever existed until her Father passed away suddenly .
Anne felt she needed guidence and some questions answered and sought a well known and popular Spiritualist Medium in her area and was surprised at what he could tell her and yes her first ever reading did answer the questions she had but then Anne found many more to ask and became much more interested in this movement.
Annes Journey didnt really begin till a few years ago after attending her very first paranormal investigation with another local group . Loving the experiences she attended a few when she could with her husband.
Anne was diagnosed wtih M.E which eventually forced Anne to leave her workplace where she had served behind the bar for many years so felt she needed something to fill the space ..
As a hobby Anne started up her very own paranormal group and loved every minute of it. Gradually Anne became more and more interested in the afterlife and started to attend her local spiritualist church where she also joined an open circle there then moving on into a closed circle where she enjoyed the company but didnt really recieve any messages at this time from spirit.
Anne passed her Reiki 1 course and became a healer in the church she attended and progressed onto Reiki level 2 a few months later . Thats where Annes journey began ........
Anne was happy to also be progressing in circle now working at charity events and fundraisers giving small readings so had decided to put the healing on the back burner and stick with the mediumship as thats what Anne really wanted to do till one evening Anne recieved a message through her website asking to send distant healing to a member who was on holiday in Africa. Anne agreed to send the healing over to him on a weekly basis but she knew something was far wrong but didnt say anything to anyone. A few weeks later his wife let Anne know that he had been diagnosed with Cancer and there was nothing they could do for him.
Anne continued sending the healing over on a nightly basis as his condition got much worse.
While out on a paranormal investigation Anne saw him at the exact time he passed over so was very much like he had came to say thank you before crossing over to the other side. After Anne described the man she saw it matched up with a photo his wife sent Anne back the following day .
Anne wanted to give up the whole idea of healing after this experience as although she never met him she did have a special bond there with him and was deeply hurting after he passed but spirit had her path all set out and giving up wasnt part of it . While out giving the small mini readings at a charity evening she didnt do any of the healing but also found she couldnt connect to spirit either as her Guides seemed to have blocked her from doing so ...
It was during a mini healing session in the second half that the man who had passed with the cancerous condition came through to say to Anne " dont give up the healing " she needed to do both . That same night she had a dream about him and held a conversation with him .. of course she couldnt have cured cancer but she helped him come to terms with his illness and he did find peace of mind. His wife was more in need of healing now but he wanted Anne to progress with her healing onto a Reiki Master.
Anne therefore did keep in touch with him wife sending her healing on a weekly basis and did progress onto her Reiki Master Level which helped her mediumship on again to a higher level where she had a much stronger connection to spirit and had total trust and faith in her guides.
The reiki healing has helped Anne so much to conquer her confidence issues and is now out serving spiritualist churches all over Scotland including big venues in Blackpool for 2016
Anne now looks back on this as a lesson that its not what we want to do in life but what spirit has planned for us. It was the healing that helped Anne all the time to progress into a strong platform worker and she still continues to do self healing on a regualr basis ,
.Anne also offers Reiki Healing Sessions to her clients at a resonable price and is now Teaching Reiki Healing throughout Scotland .
Anne works closely with all her Spirit Guides though mostly with her chief Indian guide who can be very humerous bringing laughter where its needed. Also after a two year shamanic training program Anne is now a shamanic practioner and Witch and loving every minute .